Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Its All Come Crashing Down

It all seems to have come crashing down since my last entry.  Don't really know why exactly, but something to do with - the more I have been doing for Mum, the more I find out how badly she is functioning and how much needs doing.  So calling in help now, from family and professionals.  I probably can't face the reality of how bad its gonna get, or is that how bad it has got?  That, alongside - she thinks its all the same?!?!? Mind numbing.  Feels at the moment like being caught in a box with no way out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. OMG.... reading through your blog is like going through my mind! We have similar thoughts, experiences, and plans for our interactions with our parent.


Thanks for commenting!